Consulting on establishing NDT SNT-TC-1A certification system
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- List of NDT Standards - Codes - Handbooks
- Free preparation courses for NDT
- List of Vietnam Standards - ISO on NDT
- Training courses of Welding
- Training courses of QC
- Other training courses
- API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 Fitness-For-Service Evaluation
- Certifying NDT ISO 9712 Personnel
- Welder skill certification
- Welding Procedure Certification
- Training to improve professional skills
- Calibration and verification of equipment
- Audit and Reorganization of NDT training organizations
- Consulting on establishing NDT certification system SNT-TC-1A
- Providing NDT service for ASME certification
- Providing NDT Level 3 Service
- Digitalizing NDT X-ray film
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