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Organization Chart

For details on the functions & responsibilities of PNIC, refer to document No. PNIC-M01.

1. Secretariat: Directly receive and transmit registrations and applications from candidates, customers, member organizations and partners.

2. Certification Board (CB):

- Organize examination, qualification, and certification of NDT

- Build a question bank, make exam questions, set up answers

- Establish a panel of qualification and certification for NDT Level 3.

- Review and evaluate application dossiers of training organizations.

3. Certification Surveillance Board (CSB)

- Internal members: are managers and directors of internal departments of the PHATECO.

- External members: are individuals, organizations, agencies, public and private enterprises with responsibilities and interests related to the use of the service of certification of personal of competence and skills, registered or invited to participate by PNIC.

- The CSB was established by the Board of Directors of the PHATECO, independent of the PNIC Center, whose main function is to surveil the activities of the PNIC in accordance with the policies published in the ISO/IEC 17024 manual, make the final decision in handling complaints, and appeals of applicants or organizations that have not been satisfactorily resolved by the PNIC Center.