Level 3 NDT Consulting Services can assist your business
When applying Code and Standards, such as ASME, AWS, ASTM, ISO and many more, there is a need for a written practice to train, quality and certify NDT personnel for your Company.
The essence of this recommendation is that you need to have a good control of your own quality needs.
As is known, when applying training and certification according to ISO 9712 or equivalent standards, the training content and the scope of certification only have a common knowledge span, common industry areas, common products. Meanwhile, each Company, each specific product, each specification may have narrow NDT testing range requirements that your NDT staff has certified not yet satisfying the required occupational skills.
The document SNT-TC-1A issued by ASNT is the basis for you to develop a practical procedure to train, qualify, certify, and authorize your employees to perform NDT. With this procedure, you can review the qualifications of certified NDT personnel from different sources such as ISO 9712 or another company's procedure. And it is also a great advantage for you to save money, time, take advantage of your available QC human resources to perform specific jobs that ISO 9712 Certificate holder does not have enough certification scope.
The NDT Level 3 Service will provide your Company from NDT system establishment, training, qualification, certification to procedure approval, technical instruction, report approval, etc., including QA work, supporting quality assurance, etc.
NDT Consulting
NDT Level 3 personnel are ISO 9712, ASNT/ACCP certified. NDT Level 3 consulting services can assist in your compliance with national and international standards and ensure methods and procedures are current, reliable, efficient and best practice.
For plant owners, PNIC can assist with:
- Preparation of NDT tenders
- Review of existing NDT programs
- Review of NDT suppliers
- Selection & assessment of specialised NDT methods
NDT Level 3 personnel hold current certification and are available to assist with solutions including:
- Preparation of Laboratory Quality Manuals to the requirements of ISO 17025
- Preparation of written practices to SNT-TC-1A
- Preparation of inspection procedures for routine, novel or difficult inspections
- Preparation of procedures based on International, National or in-house Standards
- Review of inspection procedures for routine, novel or difficult inspections
- Review of procedures based on International, National or in-house Standards
- Pre audit assistance
- Assistance during audits
- Training, examination and qualification of personnel under in-house NDT schemes, e.g. SNT-TC-1A
- Assistance with annual internal audits and reviews
- Proficiency testing of NDT personnel
- Determination of the operational suitability of existing equipment
- Guidance on selection of new equipment
How We Help?
Do you:
- Require ongoing Customer requirement for NDT Lab according to ISO/IEC 17025?
- Require NDT procedures to be generated, updated or reviewed
- Require assistance with proficiency testing?
- Have a requirement for ASNT/ACCP/ISO 9712 Level 3 services
- Require assistance prior to or during your BOA audit?
- Need to review written practices or update lapsed practices to meet current requirements of ISO 9712, SNT-TC-1A, ISO 17025?
- Have a requirement for NDT training and/or examinations (initial/renewal) to upgrade personnel skills to improve service quality and efficiency?
Please contact us, we are ready to assist you: pnic @ phateco . com