1. Product Technology – NDT Online Training Course (Free)
- With an increasing range of products that now require inspection, a basic knowledge of processes (welding, casting and forging), and associated metallurgy, is a necessity for the inspection technician/engineer.
(Completing this lesson well will help you shorten your study time and main method by 0.5 days)
2. General introduction to NDT methods and certification systems (Free)
- The course applies to NDT level 1 & 2.
- The course focuses on introducing the basic principles of each NDT method (MT, PT, RT, UT, VT)
- General advantages and disadvantages
- Introduce the differences between the two certification systems ISO 9712 and SNT-TC-1A.
(Completing this lesson well will help you shorten your study time and main method by 0.5 days)